candjî- Hi, what's the plural form of Walloon lak?
Walloon "lak" is actually a recent loanword from French (old typical Walloon word was "laetche").
Plurals in normalized Walloon (rifondou walon) are generally with S. S at the end of the word is not pronounced. If pronounced, in Feller system, it is written -s´ and in rifondou -sse.
So => laks (as seen on the page lak, which I just completed).
Here, Feller system writers would keep the French writing => lacs. In rifondou, the K sound orthography has been standardised, hence the spellings "lak" & "laks".
Graph -ks would not been read /ks/. Word with /ks/ at the end are often simplified: "sex" => seke; orthodox => ortodosse. If keeping /ks/ pronunciation, it would be written -cse (facse, lucse).
--Lucyin (discussion) 19 di djun 2014 a 11:20 (UTC)